Terror Wins In Afghanistan?

15th August 2021

When the Taliban enters Kabul, it will have numerous significance for this era of politics. Last twenty years, the world has been witnessing a war for peace in Afghanistan. 

Though contradictory, still it was the accepted method to establish a peace-loving, democratic government in Afghanistan. To a limit - it did manage to get peace in the country.

It would be wrong to say – that the growth of the Taliban is rapid. They were planning their moves for years. 


... the day the US and NATO allies started to negotiate a peace deal with the Taliban, the fate of democracy got sealed.


Ironically, the most powerful nations of the world who considered the Afghan Taliban allies of designated terror organisations, like Al-Qaeda, responsible for twin tower attacks, are now pacifying them to share power in Kabul.

Peace talks could have continued till all parties were satisfied. But, surprisingly, without a peace deal of any sort, US and NATO allies just left and gifted away Afghanistan to emissaries of terror. 

As a result, two decades of sacrifices, both human and monetary ones, have slipped to those who value it the least.

The current Afghan government is left to defend itself. Villages and towns succumbed to Taliban terror in the vast, rough terrain where tribesmen and local lords ruled the roost. 

Finding themselves abandoned, they traded. In return for their safety from Taliban brutality, locals gave up their territory without a fight. 

Never in modern history has a country fallen so rapidly, within days. Even the most potent NATO alliance took months to get to Saddam Hussein.

Today, in the middle of August 2021, we see terror as a winner when assessing the situation. Democracy as a principle stands deserted and unsupported.

Instead, the world should be rallying behind the legitimate democratic government in Afghanistan. But, unfortunately, all the profound talks from the podium of United Nations, promoting and propagating democracy across the world, now seems a sham. 

Those countries who have waged war to establish democracy in Afghanistan have left the same Afghans lurking to save their own lives.

While the situation was rapidly unfolding for worse, these very countries, who were once beacons of democracy, failed to review their decision.

 Unfortunately, we are observing a plethora of dictator arrogance in these giant democracies, which is paradoxical.

How can the civil world sit idle, watch a civil government brutalised by these gun-wielding groups of men? It is no less than being shameful.

Terror has won, again after twenty years!

The lesson for the future is going to change the narrative of peace.


Leaders across the world will learn a lesson that will be ironic. Only brutal forces survive, and those who side by democracy are irresponsibly abandoned. 

The faith in United Nations was dwindling anyway, and now it is just a few nails away from its coffin. After a decade of civil war and a million death, uncountable displaced, Assad’s regime still stands strong.

 So does Kim Jong Ung’s. Next, will we see a Taliban shouting peace from the UN?  

Those peace loving, democratic world have failed Afghanistan. It is a betrayal of this century. These Afghans participated with personal sacrifices to create a civil society, losing their near and dear ones to the war on terror. 

Next time, this generation transcribe their lessons learnt, regrettably though, they have a solid case to favour force over democracy.

Afghans, born when the twin tower attacks happened, were looking ahead to a peaceful future. They lived through the war for peace, imagining a peaceful Afghanistan. Only, to look at it now, crashing like the very same twin towers.


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