Strong Opposition Means Strong Democracy

Opposition is a vital part of democracy and democracy can only work if there is a system of checks and balances in place. This system ensures that no one branch of government becomes too powerful. 

The role of the Opposition is to provide a voice for those who disagree with the government. They must offer an alternate vision for the country. 

Opposition parties are also necessary because they act as a watchdog, ensuring that the government works in the people's best interests. Without Opposition, democracy would not be able to function effectively.

While playing an important role in democracy, opposition parties can be called successful only if they are willing to work together with the government. 

But then, Opposition parties also need to get the credit and increase their influence while holding the government accountable. Therefore, this contest and cooperation equation is essential to ensure democracy works effectively.

In a multiparty democratic system, the Opposition should also remember that they are not fighting against each other. A split opposition is not in the best interests of the people.

The role of an opposition party is to present an alternative viewpoint to the government and hold them accountable for their actions. 

In a democracy, the opposition party is essential in ensuring a healthy debate on the issues facing the country and that different voices are heard. 

The opposition party also serves as a check on the government, ensuring that it does not abuse its power. This near totalitarianism is especially important in India, Turkey, Russia and China, where the ruling party has almost absolute control over parliament. 

Therefore, ensuring that the ruling party is not just pursuing its agenda as an opposition party is vital.

While the Opposition is crucial in a democracy, it is also important to remember that they are not the enemy of the government. 

Unfortunately, in India, this is often not the case: the ruling party and the opposition party are often at loggerheads with each other, resulting in political instability. 

There are numerous cases when the Opposition has blocked the working of the Indian parliament. It was by those in Opposition who were once the ruling party.

In addition, the opposition party often focuses on criticizing the ruling party. However, they are usually vague or even silent when presenting their vision for the country's future. 

They hope that people will vote them into power just based on their criticism of the current regime. Instead, it is their policies and programs that will win them votes.

However, for democracy to thrive, we must have strong and effective opposition parties. Without an alternative viewpoint offered by the opposition party, democracy will become little more than a rubber stamp for the government in power. 

Thus, we must hear out political Opposition with an open mind. Only then will we truly have good governance in our democracy.

A strong opposition is essential in a democracy for several reasons.

First, it provides a policing check on the government and helps to ensure that bad or undemocratic policies are not enacted.

Second, it ensures that different voices and perspectives are heard and considered.

Third, it provides a healthy competition which can help to improve the quality of the ruling party's policies. It ensures that different voices are heard and that the government is held accountable. 

A strong opposition can also keep the government from becoming too powerful and help to protect individual rights. In mature democracies, Opposition parties play a vital role and help to keep the democratic system healthy. 

The maturity of democracy can be measured by its opposition parties. If there is no opposition, even though it is democratic, it tends to be authoritarian, which is not suitable for the country. 

Therefore, it is essential to safeguard our democracy and stay true to its core values.

There might be some people who would disagree with this point, arguing that it is more important for the government to be able to govern without being constantly challenged by an opposing political party. 

But unfortunately, this friction is a design problem with the democratic system, and there is no easy way out.

In addition, a strong opposition can provide a healthy competition which motivates the ruling party to develop better policies. For example, suppose the ruling party knows that it will face stiff competition from an opposition party gaining popularity. 

In that case, this can incentivize the ruling party to improve its policies to stay in power. This competitive pressure can help to ensure that the government is always trying to improve and deliver better policies for the people.

Ultimately, it is the people of the country who should be the winner, instead of any one person or party.

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